Double Edge
JoinedTopics Started by Double Edge
Woman Whipped In Public For Wearing Trousers.
by whereami inwarning!!!!
might be disturbing for some.. it's amazing how faith can justify anything.. .
I Fly my Flag...
by zeroday* infor 28 years i was told to hate my country and i did, they were controlled by satan and against god...well i have given up satan and god and religion and i fly my flag of the united states of america proudly every day... up at dawn and down at dusk...and this weekend on the 4th of july i shall fly it with pride....
Calling all Americans!!!
by LucyA inwhy are americans so paranoid about the government?.
please understand im in no way trying to be disrespectful to your country im just trying to understand why their seams to be an outcry every time someone mentions the government legislating over something eg healthcare.
although i dont trust our pollies i would never withdraw my support without at least reading the legislation first.
Whose Prayers Are Heard?
by compound complex in"but peter began, and said, 'now i really understand that god is not a respecter of persons, but in every nation he who fears him anddoes what is right is acceptable to him.
' " --- acts 10:34, 35; douay version.
as a jw, if you were one, did you truly believe that god would answer the prayer of a "worldly" individual only if he were praying: "dear god, i'm desperate!
For you Spanish speakers, what does this mean?
by DazedAndConfused infor you spanish speakers, what does this mean?:.
j'ai trouve un site trop pratique ou tu peux voir qui t'a bloque sur msn,. un test tu verras qui te bloque sans que tu le saches.. ciao.
How you can help shut down Iranian Government websites
by Elsewhere inone of the ways a website can be shut down is a technique call ddos (distributed denial of service).
the way this works is very simple: if you have enought people loading a particual website over and over again the web server gets overwhelmed and cannot function... effectivly shutting down the website.. you can help do this to the iranian government websites by loading the following page:.
David Carradine commits suicide
by John Doe in
Amazing. World's first face transplant.
by BurnTheShips insome of us may find these photos a little disturbing, so you have been warned.. before and after:.
how wonderful that now doctors can reconstruct a face for her.
Need advice, they are trying to suck me in!
by Searchinggal ini am hoping you can help me.
i have a very dear friend of over 20 years, who was brought up jw.
our children are friends and we have vacationed and been like sisters all these years.
by yesidid inapparently a whole congregation in italy left the wbts.. but i don't know for sure as i don't understand italian.. could somebody please translate this youtube film.. you will put me out of my misery and inform the whole board. .
thank you in advance.